Hey Johnny, is there any demos of you SuperWide sustain blocks in action?

Sale Price: $89.00 Original Price: $139.99
AXN 1983 Vintage Sustain
Sale Price: $89.00 Original Price: $139.00
AXN™ SuperWide™ PLUS Sustain Block
Sale Price: $119.00 Original Price: $175.00
AXN Signature Sustain
Sale Price: $99.00 Original Price: $139.00

AXN™ SuperWide™ Made in USA Sustain Blocks

Don't waste your time with any other brand. Get an AXN™.

ALL AXN™ Sustain Blocks are MANUFACTURED IN THE USA from domestic USA metals.

ALL AXN™ Sustain Blocks are machined at a California USA aerospace machine shop by American machinists and craftsman.

Quadruple the tone and sustain of aftermarket big blocks

Our AXN™ Sustain Blocks are 100% manufactured in the USA from prime American metals. We re-incarnated a design based on the original FLOYD ROSE PROTOTYPE 1980 steel big blocks Floyd Rose prototype tremolos. AXN™ Sustain Blocks are machined to exact tolerances by American Craftsman. ALL other aftermarket sustain blocks are made in China rubbish manufactured from very poor quality metals.

We have done the proper metallurgical testing. True results come from spectrometer, digital microscope and hardness testers. To achieve superior results hand picked exotic metal alloys must be used. To produce a precise sustain block and machine it by hand in the USA costs us much, much, more. Yet we know by testing that the performance and tone is well worth the cost.

We have extensively tested the metal properties of the original Floyd Rose Prototype Steel Sustain Blocks to arrive at the formula we use to manufacture our blocks. There is a huge difference in resonance, tremolo performance, flutter, and whammy effect with our AXN™ product.

For over 5 years I worked with a local aerospace machine shop here is southern California to scientifically test The PROTOTYPE 1980 FLOYD ROSE SUSTAIN BLOCK. We dissected the ORIGINAL PROTOTYPE FLOYD ROSE sustain block. We adapted that early 1980s design to New and Vintage Original Modern Floyd Rose product. We now offer virtually the same block as those steel Floyd Rose Prototypes yet manufactured to fit your standard modern and vintage Floyd Rose Tremolos.

We extensively tested this width and girth, metal alloy, as well as the weight and shape of that 1st incarnation of the Floyd Rose sustain block so as to arrive at our block. The result our The AXN™ Line of sustain blocks. The AXN™ Sustain Blocks we have for sale today include dimensional specifications we took from directly Mr. Floyd Rose's original prototypes and manufactured them here in the USA. The 1980 larger and uniquely shaped sustain block from the original prototypes had initial specifications very exclusive to those prototypes.

The 1980 sustain block specifications were lost or compromised over the years. I believe those details were to costly to continue including when the Floyd original tremolos were outsourced to Germany in 1983 to high production amounts. Today, No other guitar maker is manufacturing stuff with passion and science like my team and I over here at AXN™ Guitars. I consider what we are doing modern art.

Johnny - AXN™ Guitars

We Designed Our Blocks To Focus more MASS Stockpiling this Mass in the Perfect Position Under THE STRINGS just as the original Floyd Rose Steel Prototypes did in the early 1980s.

AXN™ Sustain Blocks are much thicker. So were the original Floyd Rose Prototype tremolos. The AXN™ SuperWide™ Sustain Block we designed for our line of AXN™ guitars are effectively 5X-to-7X the size of a stock Floyd Rose blocks and 3X-5X as Large as any upgrade big block sustain blocks. In addition the weight of our blocks is absolutely perfect. AXN blocks are not too heavy and they are not too light. This is because we used modern technology to choose the perfect alloys.

No matter what other manufacturers say a fatter, thicker, machined metal AXN™ BIG block equals out to more frequency control.

Take a look at the machining and photos of our AXN™ SuperWide™ Sustain Blocks you will be able to see the craftsmanship.



AXN™ Model-’84 GEN2

Our AXN™ Model-84 NICKEL PLATED sustain block is machined in the USA from DOMESTIC USA steel

While working with Mr. Floyd Rose in the year 1980 a certain Kramer endorse recommended to the inventor Mr. Floyd Rose the whale tail fine tuner design and a Fat Big Block Sustain Block made of a certain type of steel. The result is what can be heard on the various recordings.

We own that famous prototype steel sustain block and have analyzed and bench tested its metal content so as to manufacture our AXN™ Model-84 Boutique Sustain Block. In 2021 we contracted with an exotic steel provider for a new steel that is more accurate. We now moved to generation two AXN Model ‘84 Sustain Blocks.

We offer the Model-84 sustain block for sale in the Raw Metal Prototype block and a nickel plated version catering to those of you that want to emulate that famous Brown Sound.  Its weight, girth size and design specification deliver a Floyd Rose Experience like no other. The tone of our AXN™ Model-84 Boutique Sustain Block the most full and most balanced tone and superior in all aspects.

  • MANUFACTURED IN THE USA and up to 7X the size of Floyd Rose® blocks

  • Unimaginable gains in sustain and whammy bar effect

  • Perfect weight for creative soloing antics

  • Manufactured in the USA from prime American metals based off the original STEEL PROTOTYPE FLOYD ROSE sustain block

  • Modern Metallurgy used during research, development and production

  • Exclusive feature of our AXN™ Custom Guitars and now available to you!

  • Learn More About AXN™ SuperWide™ PLUS and how to put one on your guitar


ALL About Floyd Rose Sustain Blocks and Musical Grade Metal Alloys

Its common knowledge that the type of metals and the blend of different metals used in any one alloy drastically effects tone in musical instruments. Take for example drummers. A drummer knows that the cymbals which are made from different blends of brass, tin, and copper generate a distinctively different tone and put-out a different volume level. That said, many drummers prefer a snare drum made from brass for a warmer tone. While at the same time many drummers prefer new modern snare drums that are being manufactured from stainless steel and now titanium which they claim have unique sound characteristics.

Some of the relative sound differences is mathematical having to do with the percussive nature of each metal and also the speed of the vibrations etc. Similarly the vibration of the guitar string locked into a Floyd Rose tremolo transfers this vibration through the mass of the sustain block.

Appropriately, and over the decades with the advent of modern alloys, a debate has transpired as to what size and which metal type is best for locking tremolos. It sounds quite cliché but for hard rock music when it comes to guitars bridges and hardware BIGGER IS BETTER. Another addition, if you've ever read into metallurgy the "hardness factor" of metals is another influence on guitar tone.

AXN SUSTAIN BLOCKS MANUFACTURED By American Machinists in The United States

Each AXN™ Disruptor Sustain Blocks is a hand crafted boutique sustain block machined in small quantities from premium metal alloys. Our tone improvement and sustain increase is much more acute than the other aftermarket blocks.

For example a common aftermarket brass sustain blocks from some other suppliers don’t offer any improvements. Where as our sustain blocks, because they are machined from choice metal stock, will improve the tone and provide an extremely noticeable gain in sustain. We speculate our blocks produce at least a 10 times improvement in tone and sustain as the best Floyd Rose factory sustain blocks you find stock on a new Floyd Rose Tremolo. 

Because of the very high cost to manufacture our boutique sustain blocks in America the right way, we only produce a limited amount of AXN™ Disruptor Sustain Blocks twice a year. We use a local aerospace machine shop to machine them for us. We use the blocks in our AXN™  custom guitars. The blocks that are left is what you see for sale here.

........................................................................ TECHNICAL INFORMATION IN REGARDS TO DIFFERENT METAL ALLOYS .......................................................

In 2017 through 2019 we manufactured our sustain blocks from 12 different kinds of metal. We tested the results on modern electronic equipment used in aerospace applications. This was part of our research and development process. In 2019 we launched the AXN SuperWide Sustain Block and our Model-’84. It was the culmination of all we had learned.

In 2020, after machining these alloys for 3 years, we discontinued bronze, copper, titanium and brass sustain block production. People ask why we discontinued these metals, heres the quick answers… Brass is not a very good alloy for Rock-n-Roll its good for twang and bell tones. Brass gives the same results as pot metal or zinc for high gain rock. Bronze : bronze is great all around and maybe the best after steel. But bronze sustain blocks just don’t sell… no one wants them or cares about bronze sustain blocks. If you can find a bronze sustain block you should buy it and try it. Copper is good for rock-n-roll with great clarity and articulation yet falls a little short in our tests versus steel. Titanium is stale unless its a certain hard to get grade of aerospace titanium. The steel grade we use on our Model-’84 big block is much better that any titanium on every level and its shows consistent results with ALL wood types.

The below chart describes what push occurs in the bass, mids, and treble from different alloys. Also these metals all change the sound and character of distortion from a Marshal Plexi ever so slightly. Overall steel is the best and the steel we use is better-than-best. We posted these results for you to learn. The different allows do produce different results. Our new line of sustain blocks offer the best results for hard Rock-N-Roll!




( The AXN™ SuperWide™ PLUS is the one exception and is wider, fatter, taller and bigger. Contact Us about the exceptional AXN™ SuperWide™ PLUS and what and if it will be a drop-in replacement into your electric guitar )

------------------------------------- SPECIFICATIONS and DIMENSIONS  ----------------------------------------------------------

  • Tremolo Disassembly Instructions

  • AXN Sustain Block Size Availability only 42mm and 37mm, 32mm

  • AXN™ Model-84’ Sustain Block Dimensions - 12.40mm thick x 50.50mm wide by either 42mm, 37mm, 32mm tall depending on your purchase.

  • For virtually ALL Floyd Rose Tremolos - Works on Floyd Original, Floyd 1000, Special and All Schaller made Floyds

AXN™ Disruptor™ Products Mission Statement

AXN™ Disruptor™ Products Mission Statement